In a narrow sense sales promotion programs includes those activities which help in sell products. Sales promotion programs are required to be implemented as an ineffective way to achieve sales targets. The sales department is the revenue-generating department of the organization which provides funds for the expenses of another department.

Choose Right Sales Promotion Programs
The following points must be given due consideration while deciding about sales promotion programs.
1. Identify the Basic Requirements
The first requirement of the sales promotion program is to decide about the emergent needs of the firm.
Related: 17 Powerful Consumer Sales Promotion Techniques (Explain).
2. Identify Suitable Sales Promotion Program
Different sales promotion programs may be suitable in different situations.
Keeping in view the overall promotion program strategy it should b decided, whether the dealer focused sales promotion programs shall be suitable.
3. Participation of Dealers and Salesman
A participative approach is essential for the success of the sales promotion program.
Without the involvement of dealers and Salesforce, the program can’t be implemented effectively.
Related: 15 Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Sales Promotion (Explained).

4. Implementing the Sales Program
Implementation includes the proper launching and timing of the program.
The degree of competition and essential demands are to be considered.
5. Evaluation and Feedback
After the expiry of the time span of the sales promotion program, it should be evaluated up to what extent it has achieved its objectives.
Deficiencies should be identified and this feedback provides enormous help in the designing of next programs.
Related: Sales Promotion: Meaning, Features, Importance, Objectives.
Sales promotion program consists of all the marketing and promotion activities, other than advertising, personal selling and publicity, that motivate and encourage the consumer to purchase by means of such inducements as premiums, advertising specialities, samples, cent off coupons, Sweepstaps, contest, games, trading stamps, refunds, rebates, exhibits, displays and demonstrations. It is employed, as well to motivate retailers, wholesalers, the manufacturers. the manufacturers, Salesforce to sell through the use of such incentives as awards or prizes (Merchandise, cash, and travel), direct payments, and allowances, cooperative advertising and trade shows.
Now you know how we can Choose the Right Sales Promotion Programs for our business firm.
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