Worker’s participation in management is sharing the decision-making power by the ranks of an industrial organization, through their proper repentance, a tall appropriate levels of management in the entire range of managerial action.

It is to develop social education for promoting solidarity among workers and to tap tap human talent.
Also, raise the worker’s level of motivation through the satisfaction of his non-economic needs.
What are the Challenges or Obstacles of Worker’s Participation?
Some important limitations of WPM are given below:
1. The Complexity of Technology and Organization
Teachnonly and organizations today are so complex that specialized work roles are required, making it difficult for people to participate successfully if they go very far beyond their particular environment.
This means that low-level workers can participate successfully in operating matters, but they usually have difficulty in participating in policy matters.
2. Workers Incompetence
Another difficulty arises when workers make proposals in areas where they are not competent.
Then, when their idea is rejected, they refuse to support whatever course of action was adopted and soon become alienated.
A related problem is that some workers expect to be consulted on every issuer, even those to which they cannot contribute.
When they are not consulted, they become resentful and uncooperative.
Related: Top 10 Need & Importance of Workers Participation in Management.
3. More Emphasis on Procedures than Philosophy
It is seen that practitioners become lost in the procedures of participation while overlooking its guiding philosophy.
In fact, participation philosophy requires a sense of involvement and self-efficiency in the minds of employees.
4. Means of Manipulation
A serious drawback with worker’s participation is that it can be used to manipulate employees.
This manipulation is not necessarily by management.
It may be manipulation by the union or by experts who are skilled in group dynamics.
5. Feudalistic Concept
The feudalistic concept of the master and the servant s still prevalent among industrial workers, especially in India.
Workers have an innate feeling that they are born to serve and not to rule.

Participative management, naturally, is of little interest to such workers.
6. Lack of Initiative
Employees lack initiative, expertise, and self-confidence in participating in managerial decision-making.
7. Unskilled Representatives
Participation of unskilled representatives of employees may result in arriving at unfavorable decisions which may adversely affect the interests of employees.
8. Avoidance of Ideas
It leads to frustration among employees if their suggestions are not accepted by the management.
Did You Know: 17 Primary Methods of Workers Participation in Management (WPM).
9. Unwillingness
The unwillingness of the employers to share power with the worker’s representatives is also a serious problem.
Workers also remain disinterested.
10. Indifferent Attitude of Government
The perfunctory attitude of the government towards WPM also acts as a stumbling block in the promotion of participative management.
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