The primary purpose of motivation is to aid salesman to satisfy their goals by simulating them to improve the effectiveness of their work.

Process of Sales Motivation
The process of sales motivation involves the following important steps:
1. Determination of Objective
A sales manager first determines the reasons that cause a salesman to make more efforts to achieve his given results.
Objectives decide the levels, resources, and tools of motivation.
Related: 17 Major Steps in SalesForce Management (Explained).
2. Studying the Unfulfilled Needs
In fact, the motivational process begins with an aroused need.
Hence, sales managers should take the step to study the sentiments and needs of a salesman so that a Right Mix of motivational tools can be selected.
For this purpose, it is necessary to recognize the individual differences between persons.
The differences in mental conditions, Expectations, positions, aspirations, personal goals and attitudes must be studied.
3. Existence of Motivational Conditions
Three conditions must exist before an unfulfilled needs lead to enhanced sales performance.
First, salesmen, most feel that the rewards are desirable that is, they will satisfy some need.
Second, they must believe that the rewards are tied to performance, and they must understand exactly what performance is required to get the rewards.
Finally, salespeople must believe that the performance goals on which the rewards are based are attainable.
Bonus: 12 Need and Importance of Sales Organization (With Examples).
In other words, the salesman must feel that if they expand efforts, they can achieve the goals that have been set for them. This is depicted in the below chart:

4. Selecting Motivational Tools
Keeping in view of the place of work, duration and working timings and needs of the salesman, the sales manager will design effective motivational tools.
Every motivational program should have some elements within it that can be tailored to the individual needs.
The starting point for a successful motivational program is to establish specific performance objectives that have been agreed on and can be measured by both the manager and the salesman.
Given a set of performance objectives, managers must determine the most effective combination of motivation methods for their salespeople.
Motivational tools may be divided into two categories: financial rewards and non-financial rewards.
Related: 11 Main Types of Sales Compensation Plans (With Examples).
5. Communication
To make a motivational plan successful, it must be communicated to the salesman and the concerned persons.
6. Integration of Interests
The interests of salesman and firm must be integrated into the motivational program so that both get maximum benefits from such plans.
7. Creation of Auxiliary Environment
The physical environment and working conditions play an important role in motivating sales personnel.
This environment may be created within the company by providing various ways and means for good working.
Job conditions must be improved. 13 Needs and Characteristics of Motivation Research.
8. Developing Team Spirit
Individuals’ efforts should be directed towards developing Team Spirit among salesmen.
The salesman should function as a member of a team.
Their goals Must Be linked with group goals.
Related: 13 Nature and Characteristics of Sales Management (Explained).
9. Feedback
The results achieved from the motivation plan should be compared with the goals decided in the program in order to identify any deviation.
Weakness must be corrected by taking suitable steps to prevent such drawbacks in the future.
Thus, now you know the complete process of sales motivation.
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