Each Ledger is Self Balancing Ledger System. In the self-balancing ledger system, some additional columns are drawn in general so that the analysis of each entry pertaining to the specific ledger is also given in the analysis column.

Under the Self Balancing Ledger System, the separate trial balance of Each Ledger can be prepared without the help of other ledgers.
Self-Balancing Ledger System
It has already been discussed in the sectional balancing system and the basic principle of the Self Balancing Ledger System is that the double entry is completed within the Ledger itself.
The ledger which contains a debit entry is provided with a credit entry and the one which contains credit is provided with a debit entry.
This is effected by opening an additional account called General Ledger Adjustment Account in each of the sales and purchase ledger and two accounts:
- Sales ledger adjustment account, and
- Purchase/bought ledger adjustment account in the general ledger.
Self-Balancing Ledger System: Diagram

There are some practical illustrations so we can better understand the self-balancing ledger systems.
Self-Balancing Ledger Illustration 1
You have been furnished with the following information by MS Rajeev Agencies Balotra:
Opening Balances | Credit | Debit |
Bought Ledger | 270900 | 29000 |
Sales Ledger | – | 327000 |
- Purchase return 2,700
- cheque issued in favor of creditors 8,32,800
- acceptance of bills payable 1,00,000
- received from debtors 13,42000
- discount allowed 7,500
- credit sales 18,27,000
- credit 9,27,600
- discount received 22,500
- bills receivable 6,00,000
You have to prepare: (1) a purchase/bought ledger adjustment account in the general ledger (2) a Sales ledger adjustment account in the general ledger and (3) a General ledger adjustment account in the Sales Ledger.
In General Ledger
Sales Ledger Adjustment Account

Purchase Ledger Adjustment AccountÂ

In Sales LedgerÂ
General Ledger Adjustment Account

Self-Balancing Ledger System Illustration 2
Shri Ram Narayan has ledgers in use, Namely: Sales Ledger, the purchase ledger, and the nominal ledger which are all kept on the self-balancing system.
From the following particulars for the year 2009-10 prepare the Adjustment Accounts as they would appear in the nominal ledger as of 31st March 2010.
The balance of sundry creditors as of 1st April 2009 is 6,570, and the balance of sundry debtors as of 1st April 2009 is 3,760.
- Credit purchase 67,000
- Return outward 700
- Credit Sales 90,000
- Sales return 1,500
- Cash sales 9,500
- Paid to creditors allows fans to customers 39,000
- Allowances to customers of 500
- Allowances received 900
- Bad debates previously written off now recovered 3,000
- bill receivable received from debtors 26,800
- Collection from debtors 59,000
- Credit balance transferred from purchase ledger to sales ledger 600
- bill receivable dishonored 1200
- Bill payable accepted 24,000
- bad debts are written off 2,000
- dr. balance transfer from sales ledger to purchase ledger 900
In Nominal Ledger
Sales Ledger Adjustment Account

Purchase Ledger Adjustment Account

Self-Balancing Ledger Illustration 3
Ramesh maintains his books on Self Balancing Ledger Systems from the following particulars to prepare control accounts in 1. Bought/Purchase ledger and 2. Sales ledger.
1st April 2009 balance of Purchase/Bought ledger debit 700 and credit 30,640, the balance of sales ledger debit 66,930 and credit 1,865.
Transactions during the year 2009-10 were as follows:
- Credit purchase 72,700.
- Sales 1,35,000.
- Sales return 500.
- Bad debts 1,000.
- Purchase return 2,500.
- Cash paid to creditors 57,500.
- Discount received 320.
- Bill Receivable received 10,000.
- Bill Receivable Dishonoured 2,500.
- Cash paid to debtors 137.
- Credit sales 1,16,000.
- Cash purchases 11800.
- Provision for bad and doubtful debts 270.
- Bad debts recovered 600.
- Cash received from debtors 8,3000.
- Discount allowed 650.
- Interest charged to debtors 592.
- Bill payable accepted 8,000.
- Notary charges debited to party 10.
- On 31 March 2010 dr. The balance of bought Ledger 980.
- On 31 March 2010 cr. The balance of sales Ledger 266.
In Purchase Ledger
General Ledger Adjustment Account

In Sales Ledger
General Ledger Adjustment Account

Thus, now you know how a self-balancing ledger system works in accounting.
11/14/2018; November;
Google, Inc.;
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Please Note;
O Self Balance is Correct;
As, in Covered Thru Insurance; A Company;
Thank You;
So, Sales Ledger Adj a/c in General Ledger = “Debtor a/c” and General Ledger Adj A/c in Sales Ledger = “Sales A/c”, and same goes for purchases…
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