A Corporate trainer is a specialist who makes the trainees aware of the latest management concepts or lesions related to their field. he needs to have first and expert knowledge of the activities of organizations and subjects of which he has to impart training.

An employee trainer is said to be successful when he has the ability to arouse the interest of trainees in learning new concepts.
The trainer shall be able to function in groups and open to new ideas and experiences.
What are the Skills and Qualities of a Good Trainer?
Following are the necessary skills and qualities of a corporate trainer:
1. Leadership Style
A trainer should follow such a leadership pattern that the trainees are ready to accept new ideas or any changes which are brought in the organization.
His acceptance by the group as a leader is very important for the groups to oppress and receptivity to new suggestions.
It depends totally on the leadership style of the trainer that how he changes the attitude and behavior of participants.
The semi-structured and fluidity of a training solution appears to indicate that a non-directive leadership style as more appropriate for the trainer than a directive leadership style.
Why is leadership important in modern business?
2. Judgmental
A trainer should be sensible enough to understand the requirements of the trainee.
Each and every trainee has certain training requirements and needs, the trainer needs to understand them and have insights regarding the participants.
If a trainer trains an employee understanding employees’ needs then this will lead to a sense of mutual respect, sense of belongingness, and lack of self defensiveness from which is effective for effective learning.
3. Psychological Needs
Trainer’s active involvement in training is effected by his psychological needs, his likings, and filings.
Since these needs have a powerful normative influence for the group they are important for judging the trainer’s effectiveness.
- A trainer’s high need for control will lead to an emphasis on structured methods of training.
- Trainer’s high need for achievement and affiliation will him to evolve creative methods of training.
Related: Critical Factors That Affecting Employee Training Climate.
4. Emotional Maturity
A trainer should be emotionally stable and mature so that he can make quick adjustments with changing environments, external difficulties, and interpersonal conflicts.
As mentioned earlier, whenever anything new is brought in an organization there always arises resistance from the employees and to handle the resistance emotional stability of the trainer plays an integral role as its trainer’s responsibility to make employees accept to the new concept and changes otherwise congenial training atmosphere cannot be built for effective learning trainer needs be flexible in his behavior.
5. Creative
A trainer should believe in improving his ways of giving training to the employees by adopting the latest training styles and techniques.
6. Analyst
He should have the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program.
7. Enthusiastic and Subjective
A trainer should have a spark in him, in his words, actions, and definitely behavior that is going to stimulate the trainees under his and thereby reinforcing the learning environment.
Enthusiasm does not mean excessively demonstrating in actions or being energetic your enthusiasm should itself in the way that is depicted in their presentations. Methods of Forecasting the Demand for Manpower.
8. Counselor
It is very important for a trainer to provide training to the participants in understanding their psychology.
9. Ability to Work Under Pressure
During the implementation of training programs, anxiety, tensions, and pressures are all over the place surrounding the trainer.
Some unforeseen problems can emerge anytime from anywhere which can result in ins stress which ultimately affects the efficiency of the trainer.
So, as a trainer, one should be ready to handle such situations patiently so that the rhythm of the trainer is not affected.
10. Sincerity and Openness
A trainer should not pretend to be very smart in front of the learners.
As a rule of thumb, regardless of the nature of the training program and level of the group, participants always prefer sincerity and openness. They like trainers who are truthful, genuine, and transparent.
So, a trainer should be just what he is and try to deliver his best to the learners.
A trainer should be open to new ideas or suggestions from those participants.
The trainer should also be a good learner and should not hesitate to acquire knowledge, notwithstanding its source.
Related: Key Features of Employee Training Programs.
11. Flexibility
In the context of the training, program flexibility means that trainer is sensitive to the need of the group and the demands of the program at a given point in time.
It signifies the willingness on the part of the trainer to bring about desired changes in the program or in his own behavior, actions, and training styles, and strategy.
12. A Good Sense of Humour
It is the ability of the trainer to keep the atmosphere of the session light, relaxed, informal, and learner-friendly.

It is an effective tool in making the presentation interesting and stimulating.
But the comments and repartees should note offensive and derogatory.
13. Willingness to Recognize Good Contribution
A trainer should be ready to recognize and appreciate a good effort made by the participant.
This helps the trainer to gain respect and enhances his credibility.
He should have the skill of turning around the situation and using the opportunity for widening the scope of discussion and thereby enriching the training program. How to Develop Powerful Training Strategy for Employees.
14. Accept Mistake and Apologise
A trainer’s attitude should be such that he accepts his faulty and event apologize for it this is going to enhance his stature and get more respect from the participants.
15. Economist
A trainer should have a good knowledge of planning the training budget and controlling the cost of training.
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