Change in an organization is a reality. Managing change is an integral part of every manager’s job. Effective managers understand when change is needed. They guide their organization through the change process.
Organizational change refers to a planned or unplanned transformation in an organization’s structure, technology, and or people. It is the movement of an organization from its current state to some future and hopefully a more effective state.
Why Organizational Change is Important?
The importance of organizational change is explained under the following heading:
1. To Survive and Prosper
In today’s highly complex world, organizations need to continuously adapt to new situations if they are to survive and prosper.
While change can threaten the survival of an enterprise, it also frequently offers an unprecedented opportunity for growth.
2. Fact of Modern Life
The amount, direction, and rapidity of change may vary among enterprises, but change over time is an inherent aspect of all enterprises.
There is, therefore, a clear need to understand and know how to introduce change in a manner consistent with enterprises objectives.
Related: Top Major Reasons Why People Resist Change.
3. Part of Modern Management
Dealing with change is an inescapable part of modern management.
Change expert, said: Living means solving problems and growing up means being able to solve bigger problems.
The purpose of management, leadership, parenting, or governing is exactly to solve today’s problems and get ready to deal with tomorrows problems. This necessary there is change.
4. Change Masters are Needed in Turbulent Times
Outside the organization, environmental conditions are generally becoming less stable, they are event becoming turbulent.
Inside the organization, employees are changing, bringing higher educational levels, placing greater emphasis on human values, and questioning authority.
In such situations, change masters are needed who are adept at the art of anticipating the need for productive change.
5. Universal Aspect of All Enterprises
Change is a universal aspect of all enterprises.
Every enterprise must confront the challenge of continually reorganizing itself (even redesigning its basic structure it necessary) to achieve its objectives in the face of change, much of which it does not control.
6. Organization without Change Maybe Crippling
To be effective, an enterprise must be anchored in the past and yet adaptable to future conditions.
Both changes without order and order without change are equally cropping.
13 Role and Functions of Organizational Culture.
7. Inevitable
Nothing is more certain in modern organizations than that they will face change and need to change.
Managing changes is one of the most difficult challenges that business organizations face today.
Related: how to boost employee morale and motivation?
8. Global Economy Places New Demands
The global economy has brought extensive changes in competition, markets, and internal controls. Information technology is placing new demands on managers, workers, and executives.
No one in the organization can be effective today without being familiar with these changes.
The organizational change is an episodic activity.
That is, it starts at some point, proceeds through a series of steps, and culminates in some improvement.
It has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
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