5 Difference Between Self Balancing and Sectional Balancing System

Sectional balancing system and self-balancing system both have their own advantages for different types of businesses and firms.

differences between sectional and self-balancing ledger system
differences between sectional and self-balancing ledger system

Differences Between Sectional and Self-Balancing Systems

There are many types of differences between sectional and self-balancing ledger systems:

1. Trial Balance

Therefore, Under the sectional balancing system, only one trial balance is prepared in the general ledger while under the self-balancing system, three separate trial balance is prepared in each ledger.

2. Double Entry Systems

In the sectional balancing system, the total debtors’ account, and total debtors’ account are memorandum accounts and not part of the double-entry system but under the surveillance system adjustment accounts are part of the double-entry system.

3. Checking of Ledgers

Under the sectional balancing system, the arithmetical accuracy of the sales ledger and purchase ledger can be checked by preparing total debtors to account for total creditors’ accounts.

While under the self-balancing system, the arithmetical accuracy of each ledger can be checked separately by preparing the trial balance of each ledger.

4. Adjustments Accountings

In the sectional balancing system, the total debtors’ account and total character account are opened in the general ledger.

While under the self-balancing system for adjustment accounts are opened in the general ledger, sales ledger, and purchase ledger.

5. Different Needs

For a business, the need for accounting systems depends on its accounting systems facility.

They can use a sectional balancing system or a self-balancing system.

Thus, there are many key differences you can find and now you can choose your accounting needs.

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