11 Essential Features of Amazing Advertising Appeal

The advertising appeals refer to the approach used to attract the attention of consumers and or to influence their feelings towards the product, service, or cause.

essential features of good advertising appeal
essential features of good advertising appeal

Advertising appeals are the motivates of the target consumers to which the advertisements refer.

Essential Features of Good Advertising Appeal

Any advertising appeal to be very effective should enjoy certain specific features. These are as follows:

1. Creative Concept

There should be some creative concept in advertising appeal which will guide the choice of specific buying behavior of consumers.

The advertiser must develop a compelling creative concept or “big idea” that will bring the message strategy to life in a distinctive and memorable way.

2. Meaningful

Advertising appeals should be meaningful.

They should point out the benefits that make the product more desirable or interesting to consumers.

Related: 7 Simple Tactics for Writing Powerful Advertising Copy.

3. Believable

Appeals must be believable. Consumers must believe that the product or service will deliver the promised benefits.

The theme should be credible. Fantastic and big claims made would not be accepted by the prospects.

The appeal should increase the validity of the idea put in the advertisement.

The advertiser should be very careful to avoid the negative role of the appeal or impact on the prospect.

4. Distinctive

Advertising Appeals should also be distinctive. They should tell how the product is better than the competing brands.

The appeal must be based on some distinctive features.

For example, it must stress ‘style and fashion’ or ‘luxury and status’ or affordability.

5. Based on a Theme

A good advertising appeal has a basic theme behind it.

It should have something worthwhile to say or stress.

The theme is the substance of the advertisement. Empty words will not create any meaning and validity.

The stuff of the story of advertising is important.

6. Communicative

An appeal must tell what it intends to convey.

Appeals fail many a time because we do not mean what we say. To convey the right meaning, an appeal must be precise and exact.

Generic words should be avoided.

7. Interesting

An advertising appeal should create curiosity and interest among consumers.

effective advertising appeals
effective advertising appeals

A good appeal catches the attention of consumers by creating interest by describing benefits, gains, specialty that the product offers.

Also, the message and illustrations must be used for making advertising appeal interesting.

Related: 19 Different Types of Advertising in Marketing (With Examples).

8. Complete

The advertising appeal must be put entirely. All the facts, benefits, specialties, features should be brought to the surface to totality.

The advertiser should put all the necessary information in appeals to avoid confusion and dishonesty.

However, excess information also remains to be undigested.

9. Direction

The advertising appeal made in advertising must be specifically directed either to the public in general or to a group of persons, depending upon the product to be advertised.

The appeal must be presented according to the nature of the needs which the product will serve.

10. Easy to Understand

The appeal should be easily understandable to get the reader to react to it.

Complicated reasoning should be avoided because the advertisements which hide its purpose generally defeats it.

11. Research-Based

Advertising research is useful in designing the right advertising appeals.

Advertising research pinpoints the most important appeals.

Thus, now you know the essential features of good and effective advertising appeal.

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