How to Go to Space with Virgin Galactic Space Flight (Step By Step)

The dream of space travel, once reserved only for highly trained astronauts and government agencies, is now becoming a reality for civilians thanks to the advancements in commercial spaceflight. Among the pioneers of this industry, Virgin Galactic stands out as a visionary company aiming to make space accessible to the public.

how to go to space with virgin galactic space flight
how to go to space with virgin galactic space flight

Founded by Sir Richard Branson in 2004, Virgin Galactic offers suborbital space tourism, providing individuals with the opportunity to experience weightlessness and witness the Earth from the edge of space.

Virgin Galactic Space Flight: Everything You Need to Know

In this detailed guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of how to go to space with Virgin Galactic, from reservation to the unforgettable spaceflight experience.

1. Suborbital Space Travel: The Virgin Galactic Experience

Virgin Galactic’s approach to space tourism is centered around suborbital flights, which means that the spacecraft reaches the edge of space, allowing passengers to experience a few minutes of weightlessness before returning to Earth. Unlike orbital flights, suborbital missions do not complete full orbits around the Earth, which significantly reduces the complexity and cost of the journey.

The heart of Virgin Galactic’s space tourism operations is the VSS Unity, a spaceplane designed to carry six passengers and two pilots.

The spaceplane is carried to a high altitude by a mothership called VMS Eve. Upon reaching approximately 50,000 feet (15 kilometers) above the Earth’s surface, VSS Unity is released from VMS Eve, and its rocket motor ignites, propelling the spacecraft to suborbital space at speeds exceeding Mach 3.

2. The Cost of a Ticket to Space

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the cost of a ticket to space with Virgin Galactic was approximately $250,000.

This substantial sum reflects the pioneering nature of space tourism and the significant expenses involved in developing and operating the spacecraft and its supporting infrastructure.

The high price tag has limited space travel with Virgin Galactic to a select group of wealthy individuals, celebrities, and adventurers.

It’s worth noting that prices for space travel are subject to change over time. With the development of technology and increasing competition in the space tourism industry, it is possible that the cost may become more affordable in the future, enabling a broader range of individuals to realize their spacefaring dreams.

3. Preparing for the Journey

Before embarking on their space journey, Virgin Galactic passengers undergo extensive training to ensure their safety and maximize their enjoyment of the experience.

The training program covers various aspects of the flight, including a thorough briefing on the spacecraft’s operations, safety protocols, and how to adapt to the unique environment of space.

A. Age and Health Requirements: Prospective space travelers must be at least 18 years old and in good physical health to participate in Virgin Galactic’s spaceflights. They must pass a comprehensive medical evaluation to ensure they can withstand the rigors of space travel.

B. Understanding the Risks: Space travel is inherently risky, and potential passengers must be fully aware of the associated risks and sign an informed consent document.

C. Mental Preparation: Space travel is a transformative experience, and passengers must be mentally prepared for the journey ahead.

4. Reserving a Seat with Virgin Galactic

A. Visiting the Virgin Galactic Website: The first step towards space travel is to visit the official Virgin Galactic website ( to gather information about the program and available flights.

B. Joining the Future Astronaut Community: Interested individuals can join Virgin Galactic’s Future Astronaut Community by providing their contact details and expressing their interest in reserving a seat. Joining the community grants access to updates and invitations to exclusive events.

C. Paying the Deposit: Once a flight opportunity becomes available, prospective astronauts will be notified, and they can secure their reservation with a refundable deposit.

D. Joining the Waitlist: Given the high demand for spaceflights, Virgin Galactic operates a waitlist for those who are unable to secure an immediate seat. The waitlist ensures that interested individuals have a chance to be part of this historic experience.

5. Pre-Flight Training and Astronaut Preparation

A. Astronaut Training Program: Before the scheduled spaceflight, passengers must complete a comprehensive training program, ensuring they are familiar with the spacecraft, emergency procedures, and the effects of space travel on the body.

B. Overview of the Training: The training program covers various aspects, including flight simulations, cabin environment familiarization, safety protocols, and experiencing microgravity during parabolic flights.

C. Medical Evaluation: As part of the preparation, passengers undergo a thorough medical evaluation to ensure they are fit for space travel.

6. The Day of the Spaceflight

A. Travel to Spaceport America: Virgin Galactic’s spaceflights currently operate from Spaceport America in New Mexico, USA. Passengers are responsible for making their way to the designated location on the day of the flight.

B. Welcoming and Check-In: Upon arrival at Spaceport America, passengers are warmly welcomed by the Virgin Galactic team. Check-in procedures, security checks, and final preparations take place.

C. Suiting Up: Passengers are provided with specially designed flight suits and personal flight equipment, preparing them for the journey ahead.

7. Boarding the Spacecraft

A. Pre-Flight Briefing: The Virgin Galactic team conducts a pre-flight briefing, ensuring passengers are aware of the sequence of events and safety procedures during the flight.

B. Boarding VSS Unity: Passengers board the VSS Unity spacecraft attached to the WhiteKnightTwo mothership. The mothership carries the spaceplane to an optimal altitude before releasing it for launch.

C. Secure Seating: Each passenger is securely seated with a dedicated astronaut instructor for the flight.

8. The Spaceflight Experience

On the day of the spaceflight, passengers arrive at the spaceport, which serves as the launch site for Virgin Galactic missions. As they prepare to board VSS Unity, a mix of excitement and nervousness fills the air.

how to go to space with virgin galactic spaceflight
how to go to space with virgin galactic space travel

The spaceplane’s cabin is designed to provide each passenger with large windows, offering breathtaking views of the Earth and the blackness of space.

As VSS Unity’s rocket motor ignites, passengers experience a force of approximately 3.5Gs during the ascent. The thrill of accelerating toward the edge of space is a sensation unlike any other, and the adrenaline rush is palpable.

Once the spacecraft reaches the apogee of its flight path, passengers unbuckle from their seats and float freely in the cabin, enjoying a few minutes of weightlessness that are sure to be etched in their memories forever.

9. Post-Flight Celebration

A. Debriefing and Ceremony: After the spaceflight, passengers are welcomed back with a debriefing session to share their experiences. A ceremony marks the successful completion of their journey to space.

B. Receiving Astronaut Wings: As a symbol of their incredible achievement, each passenger is awarded astronaut wings, becoming part of a select group of individuals who have journeyed to space.

10. Commemorating the Journey

A. Personalized Flight Video and Photos: Virgin Galactic captures the entire spaceflight experience on video and in photographs, allowing passengers to relive the moments and share them with family and friends.

B. Memorabilia and Merchandise: Commemorative merchandise, such as flight patches and mission-specific memorabilia, is available for purchase, serving as cherished mementos of the space journey.

11. The Importance of Space Tourism

Beyond the exhilaration of space travel, the emergence of space tourism carries significant implications for the future of space exploration and humanity’s relationship with the cosmos.

First and foremost, space tourism generates revenue that can be reinvested in space research, development, and innovation. By making space a profitable venture, it incentivizes private companies to invest in space exploration, leading to advancements in technology and infrastructure.

Moreover, space tourism fosters public interest and enthusiasm for space exploration. When civilians become space travelers, they return with a newfound appreciation for the fragility and beauty of Earth, which can inspire support for environmental conservation efforts.

Additionally, space tourists often become advocates for space research and exploration, advocating for further investment in space missions and discoveries.

12. The Road Ahead: Challenges and Prospects

As space tourism advances, several challenges, and opportunities lie ahead for Virgin Galactic and the broader space tourism industry. Some of the key aspects to consider include:

a. Safety and Reliability: Ensuring the safety of passengers is of paramount importance in space tourism. As more flights are conducted, the focus will be on refining and improving safety protocols to minimize risks.

b. Cost Reduction: As the technology matures and operational efficiencies are realized, the cost of space travel is likely to decrease, making it more accessible to a larger audience.

c. Increased Competition: Virgin Galactic faces competition from other space tourism companies, such as Blue Origin and SpaceX. Competition can drive innovation and improve the overall quality of space tourism services.

d. Expanding Horizons: While suborbital flights are the focus of Virgin Galactic’s current operations, the company may eventually expand its offerings to include orbital flights or trips to more distant destinations in the solar system.


Virgin Galactic has opened the doors to space for private individuals, marking a significant milestone in the history of space exploration. With a ticket to space currently priced at approximately $250,000, the experience remains an exclusive opportunity for those with substantial financial means.

However, as technology progresses and competition in the space tourism industry intensifies, it is plausible that space travel may become more accessible in the future.

Beyond the thrill of floating in microgravity and witnessing the beauty of Earth from space, the rise of space tourism carries profound implications for the future of space exploration. It fosters public interest in space research, generates revenue for further investments, and may inspire a new generation of explorers and scientists.

As we venture into the cosmos, the dream of space tourism holds the promise of becoming a transformational force, shaping the way we view our place in the universe and unlocking untold possibilities for the future of humanity in space.

Only time will tell how this industry will evolve, but one thing is certain: the allure of space will continue to captivate and ignite the imagination of generations to come.

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