16 Different Types of Body Copy in Advertising

Advertising body copy can be written to go along with various types of creative appeals and executions comparisons, price appeals, demonstrations, humor, dramatizations, and the like.

types of body copy in advertising
types of body copy in advertising

Copywriters choose an advertising copy style that is appropriate for the type of appeal being used and effective for executing the creative strategy and communicating the advertiser’s message to the target audience.

There are various ways in which the text can be written.

Types of Body Copy in Advertising

Some kinds of body copy are described below:

1. Emotive

Within this kind of copy, the emotions can be appealed to.

The principle of emotional needs is self-assertion, sex, and love, companionship, self-preservation, acquisitiveness, curiosity, comfort, and security.

2. Factual Hard Selling

This body copy uses the five-point AIDCA formula.

It is the attention, interest, desire, conviction, and action.

It is very competitive, persuasive and actively promoting.

Related: 16 Practical Tips for Writing Effective Advertising Copy.

3. Factual Educational

This is still a hard selling ad, but it will be more informative, like the ads for the latest model car.

4. Narrative

It is a more literary and leisurely written text.

The ad copy is more like a story.

5. Prestige

Again, the advertising copy may be in the narrative style but is used mainly for public relations purposes.

6. Picture and Caption

This body copy is usually a series of pictures or cartoons with captions explaining how to use the product.

7. Monologue or Dialogue

Real or fictitious characters may be used to present the sales message.

This could be a testimonial advertisement with well-known personalities expounding the merits of the product or the service.

8. Gimmick

Difficult to put over effectively because there is usually a need for concentrated reading, this tyle is sometimes used when a very original presentation is required.

It is more likely to be used in magazines.

9. Reader

It is headed by a statement that it is an advertiser’s announcement.

10. Testimonial

This may be in the form of a monologue, but it could be a testimonial statement linked to normal text copy.

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11. Quotation

Within this type of body copy, a famous person’s words are quoted.

example of body copy in advertising
example of body copy in advertising

12. Back Selling

This is used to tell readers about a material, ingredient or component which is contained ina finished product, the object being to encourage its continued usage.

Related: 9 Different Types of Display Advertising (With Examples).

13. Straight line

This explained in straight forward terms why a reader will benefit from the use of a brand.

14. Dialogue

It delivers the selling points of a message to the audience through a character.

15. Direct Response

It highlights the urgency of acting immediately.

This relies on sales promotion devices.

16. Translation

It defines technical pieces of information into understandable language.

Thus, now you know the examples of body copy in advertising.


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