12 Characteristics of a Creative Organization (Explained)

Just as an individual utilizes his ability, capacity, and talents, similarly, the organizations also utilize the talents and abilities of their members for the production of new products, providing various services and various processes in various ways. So, Question is What is a creative organization?

characteristics of a creative organization
features of a creative organization

But for all these, the managers and entrepreneurs should be conscious and encouraged towards the process of innovations.

Characteristics of a Creative Organization

Following are the characteristics of a creative organization:

1. Thoughtful Persons

The first and most important characteristics of a creative organization are that it has persons with the aptitude to think, who have their own ideas and have the capacity to think and understand and who also have a broader understanding about almost all spheres.

2. Adequate Recognition

The creative organization gives adequate recognition to the creative persons and the contributions made by them.

Besides, they are also motivated by rewarding or promoting them for the challenging jobs performed by them, so that they may provide better contributions to the organization in the future also.

Related: 11 Stages in Process and Different Types of Creativity.

3. Impartial and Objective Approach

In the creative organization, the entrepreneur has an impartial and objective approach towards his employees.

The ideas of the employees are evaluated on the basis of their utility and not on the basis of the position of Ideas providers.

4. Open Communication

In such organizations, the provision is for open communication, like two-way communication, the free exchange of ideas, the use of proper communication methods and regular communication.

Besides it, the secrecy in such an organization is very limited.

5. Autonomy at all Levels of Organization

Autonomy in the creative organization may be observed at all levels.

Hence, the members of the organization present modern ideas, in place of old and obsolete ideas and execution is also accordingly.

Besides, the members and the persons have also full freedom to making initiations and selections in their functions, so that decisions may be taken in accordance with the prevailing circumstances.

So, the creative organization structure is very Autonomy.

Related: 10 Difference and Similarity between Innovation and Creativity.

6. Adopting Additional Dimensions

In the creative organization, additional dimensions and techniques, like – suggestions system, brainstorming, problem-solving methods, etc. are also adopted, besides the methods and techniques used till now.

7. To Bear Failures with Ease

The creative organization’s beer failures, if any, with ease.

Besides, such organizations give due respect to the ideas expressed by various persons and relations do not reject them outrightly by treating them as impractical and worthless, so that even more ideas may be presented in the future.

8. Encouragement for Contacts and Relations

Creative organizations provide encouragement to their, employees, managers and officers to develop and establish contacts and relations with the executives of external organizations and competing institutions.

So that useful ideas of outsiders may also be known as suitably executed.

Examples of Creative Organizations

9. Full Acceptance of Changes

The employees of the creative organizations are not only ready to adopt new changes, but also give them full acceptance.

10. Adoption of Heterogeneous Personnel Policy

Creative organizations adopt a heterogeneous personal policy like:

  1. There is not binding to adopt the existing traditions, past decisions and set working methods.
  2. Efforts are made to solve solutions to the problem of the organization with non-specific methods.
  3. This policy particularly encourages fun, enjoyments, and initiatives.

11. Decentralized Organizational Framework

A decentralized organizational Framework is adopted in the creative organization.

For that, the employees do not have the freedom only to plan their activities, but they also have wide and sufficient opportunities for creative behaviour and participation.

12. Basis of Promotion

Normally, there are two bases for selection and promotion of persons in the organizations: seniority and merit or quality.

But, in creative organizations, selections and promotions are based only on merit or qualities.

Thus, now you know the characteristics of a creative organization.

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