11 Stages in Process and Different Types of Creativity

In the narrower sense, the generation of new ideas and the schemes and power of developing new specific and unrelated ideas is called ‘Creativity‘.

 process and types of creativity
process and types of creativity

Creativity or creation means imaginative power of the mind, newness, discovery, inventions, uniqueness and such ideas, perceptions and concepts, which are not traditional, and are used in work performance and resolving the controversies.

Creativity is the ability to bring something new into existence while innovation is the process of doing new things.

Types of Creativity

There are various dimensions of creativity. This is a process of study, thinking and internalizing, which appears in various types or forms.

So, the following are types of creativity:

1. Individual Creativity

When something new emerges, my thoughts, imagination, and perceptions of an individual, that is called individual creativity.

In other words, individual creativity means any such Discovery, concept, imagination, and Novelty of a particular person by using which, the general objectives of the Institutions are fulfilled and new opportunities are also discovered.

Related: 15 Characteristics of Creativity (Creativity as a Skill).

2. Organizational Creativity

Organizational creativity is also called Collective Creativity.

Collective Creativity means any such new thing or discovery or new output which is helpful in the smooth operation of the organization.

In other words, when two or more persons collectively present new ideas, that is known as the ability of collective creativity.

3. Normative Creativity

Normative creativity implies the finding of new ideas for some determined and comprehensive requirements, and for solving the problems or objectives.

So, under it, new thoughts alternatives or new concepts and facts are discovered and searched for solving specific problems spelled out by the employees and managers, so that the problem may be solved in a distinct way.

4. Exploratory Creativity

Exploratory creativity is related to the creation of such ideas, which are not necessarily for particular knowledge, objectives or needs or any determined demand.

New ideas may be generally discovered by it. Which are not always used for some business or opportunities?

Such creativity may be used for self-satisfaction, hearty fascination or entertainment.

Besides that, the solution to various future managerial problems may be found by it.

Related: Top 21 Qualities and Characteristics of Creative Person.

5. Unexpected Creativity or Creativity by Serendipity

When suddenly some ideas which prove to be very creative emerge in the mind during the process of Thinking, due to any pleasing event, it is called unexpected creativity.

In other words, when creativity is the outcome of some such ideas which are discovered unexpectedly and on the basis of which profitable advancement is possible, that is known as unexpected creativity.

Process of Creativity

The creativity process means such a process of thinking which is used to solve any problem with original and useful methods.

Hence, as various steps of a certain process are used to solve any particular problem or to achieve the general objectives, similarly, some steps or stages are also used for the process of creativity.

Briefly, following steps or stages involved in the process of creativity:

1. To Explore Exiting Problem

The first stage or step of the process of creativity is to explore the existing problems, for which a person gets himself fully familiar with the problem.

Thereafter he collects the information. In this stage, the mental status of a person is in conscious form.

Not only that, the behavior of the person is as follows:

  • To analyze the problem.
  • To gain complete knowledge about the problem.
  • To know the causes and effects of the problem and to collect related information.

By aforesaid behavior, the person comes to know, what he has to do and also gets knowledge about its history and significance.

Related: 10 Difference and Similarity between Innovation and Creativity.

2. Problem Analysis

In this stage of the process of creativity, the person who studies the experience and collects facts and also creates an environment for creativity.

The mental status of the person remains conscious.

stages in the process of creativity
stages in the process of creativity


So, he analyzes the ideas, establishes coordination between them and views these from others’ viewpoints also, so that their knowledge and talents may be used.

3. Conception

In this situation, subconscious activity makes a fresh and proper solution to the problem.

This is a physiological concept, in which the person with creative minds spends most of his time in collecting facts relating to the solution of the problem.

Besides that, he also acts to establish the dialogue between elements and to establish a probable combination between them.

During this step of the process of creativity, the behaviour of the persons is that of entertainment, hearing music and feeling worried about the problem.

But, it is not essential to find a direct relationship between the facts and ideas, during this situation. Besides, the conscious brain gets tired during this step.

Hence, it should stop discussing and thinking about the problems and should have left this task to the subconscious brain.

The conscious brain, the central point of thinking is with logic and the subconscious brain, sends the problem to the conscious brain and when the conscious brain takes rest, then the subconscious brain becomes functional and sometimes gives good ideas also.

Related: 15 Key Characteristics of Decision Making (With Examples).

4. Refinement

During the creative processes like refinement, the persons are in a subconscious condition, where Idea emerges in the mind of such a person like a spring.

Hence, it is told that the brain of high-level officers is more functional in the night.

Many persons acquire knowledge of these new ideas during sleeping, bathing, working, pasting teeth, and testing of the brain.

Such knowledge for the solution of the problem emerges instantly.

Hence, some of the ideas are forgotten, some are regarded as worthless and neglected and some of them are accepted for future analysis.

5. Verification and Experiment

During the step, the brain of the person remains in conscious condition and verifies the suggested solution on the basis of logic or experiment.

Not only that, he clarifies the ideas and also examines the new idea to find out its suitability.

6. Adaptability

In the last stage of the process of creativity. The original ideas of the person are fairly improved, reconstructed and polished and are more suited to put them to use.

In other words, the new ideas obtained during the stage are meaningless until the user of there ideas do not internalize with them.

The two main functions in these stages are:

  1. To experiment with the obtained conclusions on other persons.
  2. To examine these conclusions in the context of a similar type of problem. Here, it should be noted that in this stage of adoption, the person is in a conscious condition.

Thus, creativity is a process of thinking and understanding, for which new thoughts, unique thoughts, uniqueness, concepts, imaginative power of the mind and mental abilities, observation power, awareness and productions of an individual are used.

Creativity involves the application of a person’s mental ability and curiosity to some areas, with the creation of discovery of something new as a result.

Thus, now you know the process and types of creativity.

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