15 Methods & Techniques of Employee Group Training (Explained)

The employee training enables the employee to gain a deeper understanding of the customer’s problems and, as such, can help in solving such problems more efficiently and quickly. and lot’s of benefits of group training in business.

Methods & Techniques of Employee Group Training
Methods & Techniques of Employee Group Training

A properly trained employee is in a better position to face the keen composition that may exist in the business.

Under this employee group method, training is provided in groups.

The main advantage of this method is that training is provided to several employees or trainees at a time.

Methods & Techniques of Employee Group Training

The most methods under group training are as follows:

1. The Lecture Method

This is the easiest, quickest, simplest and cheapest method of providing training to the Employees.

Under this method, lectures are delivered by Senior supervisors and leading experts to a group of employees consisting of 20-25 trainees who are sitting in a room.

This is a sort of classroom lecture method. Visual aids are also used so as to make the lecture most effective.

After the lecture, questions are asked so as to have a conception.

As soon as the desired sires of lectures are completed, written and oral examinations may be arranged.

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2. Conference and Seminar Method

Under this method, conferences and seminars are arranged under the leadership of experts’ and the trainees are required to participate in the same.

All those present, acquire the latest and up to date information on the basis of actual experiences of others.

Problems are analyzed and everybody contributes in one way or the other.

This method can create greater degree of interest, gives a chance to each one to participate, develops group morale and stimulate analytical thinking. 17 Powerful Consumer Sales Promotion Techniques (Explain).

3. Committee Method

Under this method, committees are formed under the leadership of a senior supervisor.

The trainees or employees are the members of the committees.

The idea behind this method is to teach the employees about the organisational relationship and help the member (Trainees) to visualize the operations to each major organizational unit of the enterprise.

The trainee thus gets wider perspective having to adjust and accommodate others, viewpoints and thereby gain practice in reaching decisions.

Related: Employee Motivation: Meaning, Importance, Methods, Theories.

4. Case Method

Under this method, an actual or hypothetical case of sale is discussed by the employees in the presence and guidance of a senior supervisor.

This method was developed by the Harvard Business School of America in 1922 – 1925.

There are open and Frank discussions amongst the members (employees).

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5. Round Table Method

Under this method, the employees are required to sit around a table under the leadership of senior supervisors or experts.

They discuss and Express their ideas to a particular subject.

It is the best method of having a mutual exchange of Ideas amongst the employees on a particular subject.

6. The Panel Method

Under this panel method, a discussion is presented by a certain number of experts on the panel who take the trouble to prepare and present the facts and discussions.

The same further follows the general discussion in which the active participation of the employees takes place.

Related: 13 Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurs towards Employees.

7. Role-Playing Method

Under this method, training is provided to the employees by presenting a sales drama before the employees.

In this method, an employee is required to face the problems, criticism, and objections of a number of customers.

benefits of group training in business
benefits of group training in business

He solves their problems and replies to the criticism and objections in a very skillful, pleasing and convincing manner.

It is an interesting and effective method of learning training.

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8. Job Rotation Method

In this method, the employees are required to work on different types of jobs in the same organization.

It provides boarding, balancing and enriching experience to the Employees.

However, in order to make the system more effective, the number and sequences of the jobs used for training should be carefully selected.

9. The Brainstorming Method

Under this method, any particular problem is thrown at the persons (employees) sitting around the table, and the participants throw out whatever comes into their minds. No one is permitted to contradict.

Some good ideas are selected and the rest (useless ideas) find their way into the waste paper basket.

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10. The Each One Train One Method

Under this method, employees are divided into terms of two, like, one of them is an old (experienced) employees while the other is a new trainee.

The old employee teaches the new one all the techniques which he has acquired through his experience.

11. Miscellaneous Methods

  1. Visual training.
  2. Sensitivity training.
  3. Multiple table method.
  4. ‘You tell it’ method.
  5. Taskforce method.

Thus, now you know the Methods & Techniques of Employee Group Training.

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