10 Techniques of Building Support for Organizational Change

To implement and manage change, a force of support needs to be built before, during, and after a change. Several effective tactics for dealing with resistance to orgainzational change have been identified. Of course, the manager should not give up in the face of resistance to change.

techniques of building support for organizational change
techniques of building support for change

Changes are a pervasive influence. It is an inescapable part of both social and organizational life. Change can affect all aspects of the functioning of the organization.

Although these are no sure-fire cures.

How to Develop Support for Orgainzational Change?

The following techniques and a wide variety of positive activities to build support are described below:

1. Education and Communication

It involves educating employees about the change before it is implemented.

Facts and information regarding change can be provided and ideas issues can be discussed.

For communication, various methods such as presentations, memos, and reports can be used.

2. Participation and Involvement

Those affected by the change can be allowed participation in designing and implementing the organizational change.

Ad hoc committees or task forces can be useful vehicles for involvement.

This results in commitment, not just compliance.

3. Facilitataion and Support

This involves providing training and socio-emotional support for dealing with change.

It can be done by instructional sessions, listing, and counseling.

4. Negotiation and Agreement

Incentives can be offered by bargaining over various aspects of the change.

Negotiations can result in mutual agreements and cooperative behavior.

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5. Manipulation and Co-optation

It is a convert strategy to influence individuals to seek maximum support for desired change.

An individual who is resisting a change may be given a key role in the decision or implementation of organizational change.

6. Coercion

A manager can threaten employees with loss of jobs, promotions, or raises in order to secure support for change.

It may prove risky if it develops negative attitudes and dysfunctional behavior.

7. Use of Group Forces

A group is an important tool for bringing strong pressure on its members to organizational change.

As one’s behavior is firmly grounded in the group to which he belongs, changes in group forces will encourage changes in individual behavior.

8. Leadership for Change

Capable leaders reinforce a climate of psychological support for change by applying the appropriate leadership styles.

how to implement change in the workplace
how to implement change in the workplace

Organizational change is more likely to be successful if the leaders introducing it has high expectations.

9. Shared Rewards

To minimize resistance it should be made sure that there are enough rewards for employees, in the changed situation.

Rewards give employees a sense of progress with a change.

10. Employee Security

Along with shared rewards, existing employee benefits must be protected.

Security during a period of change must be ensured

Seniority rights, opportunities for advancement, and other benefits should be safeguarded when a change is made.

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