9 Roles and Responsibilities of Employee Training Manager

An employee training manager is a coordinator who is in charge of the training function, The employee training manager must be a moving force in the progress of training for which he or she has a responsibility.

roles and responsibilities of employee training manager
roles and responsibilities of an employee training manager

Training HRD manager has to function under various constraints- internal and external.

He has to perform a very challenging and demanding job.

The main roles and responsibilities of employee training coordinator are depicted aside:

1. Strategic Advisor

In this role the issues and trends concerning an organization’s external and internal people are brought to the attention of the strategic decision-makers.

How to Develop Powerful Training Strategy for Employees.

2. Systems Designer and Developer

This role involves designing and preparing HR systems for implementation so that ”human resource development systems and actions are mutually reinforcing and have maximum impact on organizational performance, development, and endurance.

3. Organization Change Consultant

This role means facilitating the development and implementation strategies for transforming organizations.

4. Organization Design Consultant

This role involves identifying the work required to fulfill organizational strategies.

It also involves organizing the work so that it makes efficient and effective use of resources.

5. Learning Programme Specialist

In this role learning needs are identified to design and develop structured learning programs and materials in a variety of media formats for self-study and workshop or electronic delivery.

Things to Know When Designing an Employee Training Program.

6. Instructor/Facilitator

This is an increasingly difficult role.

What makes a great training manager
What makes a great training manager

In it information is presented, structural learning experiences are lead and group discussions and group processes facilitated.

7. Individual Development and Career Consultant

This role involves helping peoples assess their competencies, values, and goals so they can identify, plan, and implement development actions.

8. Performance Consultant

This role means assisting a group or individuals to add value to the workplace.

It’s a coaching and consulting role in which HRD people perform both analytical and systems design work.

Key Difference Between Training and Development of Employees.

9. Researcher

This role involves assessing HRD practices and programs and their impact empirically.

It also means communicating results so that the organization and its people accelerate their change and development.

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