8 Things to Know When Designing an Employee Training Program

The effectiveness of employee training depends largely on its design. It is the responsibility of the training designer to design an orderly, motivating, purposeful, useful, and interesting training program.

things to know when designing an employee training program
things to know when designing an employee training program

Planning an employee training program is about considering various options and coming up with the best course of action under the given circumstances.

Things to Know When Designing an Employee Training Program

There are some important things to be kept in mind when designing an employee training program:

1. Cover all Contents of the Training Programme

An employee training program should include all the contents of the training needs.

A training program may not be effective in some of the important contents of the training program are left uncovered.

2. Motivating/Interesting Training Programme

An employee training program should be so designed that it motivates the participants, as they are adults experienced people.

They want to learn purposeful, useful, interesting, new ideas from a training program.

Related: Key Principles of Employee Training (Explained).

3. Combinations of Training Methods

It is always good if there are a combination of many training methods, instead of using a single training method.

This necessarily motivates the trainees to learn more from the training programs.

4. Simple to Complex

An employee training program should be designed such that it starts from simple content.

It is useful to design a training program so as it helps trainees get absorbed into the training activities.

If the complex training program content is taught at the beginning of the program, the trainees get a psychological fear of its being very difficult, and they lose interest in the training activities.

Related: 25 Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee Training.

5. Logical Sequence of Attitude/knowledge/Skills

The content of the employee training program should be such that it changes attitudes of the participants to move on to knowledge improvement and paves the way for the development of the required skills among the trainees.

6. Divide into Modules

The contents of the employee training program should be divided into modules, which will help in comprehensive learning.

things to know while planning an employee training program
things to know while planning an employee training program

This will also help the trainees to concentrate well when one modulate at a time is dealt with intensively.

7. Break up

This necessitates a certain amount of time to be allocated for each of the activities and modules of the training program.

The creak up in any training program is advised as it has been noticed that the break up of the training contents helps trainees to enhance their learning capabilities.

Related: Things to Consider When Selecting Employee.

8. Avoid Saturday and Monday

The training program should not be either on a Monday or Saturday, because the percentage of participants will below, for the simple reason that will hamper the only break individuals get from work during the week.

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